late summer : balancing the earth element
Late Summer begins around the third week of August and runs through to Autumn Equinox. Nature is undergoing the last bursts of growth before winter, and the energy of this season corresponds to the nurturing Earth element. As we transition out of the yang months, and into the yin, there is a lovely balance in both energies. You may feel more at ease in your body and mind than in the peak of summer as the fiery summer months start to cool and dampen.
This is the perfect time for self-cultivation, reflection and nourishment using the last of summer’s abundant energy. This time is also associated with the stomach and spleen organs and meridian lines. Where energy imbalances can lead to digestive and immunity issues. Let your practice be a tool for clarity and peace so that your energy can be directed away from the busy thinking mind and directed instead towards your breath and body. In turn calming the nervous and digestive systems, bolstering gut health and immunity.
The nurturing qualities of the earth element mean that you may be tempted to always put others needs before and at the expense of your own. Or over indulge in self-care and self-cultivation, so much so that you neglect those around you. Be mindful to find a balance of both looking after yourself and others.